
This website (nbn.rinseout.org) only uses best estimates on nbn™ technology, service areas, estimated speeds and FTTP upgrade eligibility and should only be used as a rough guide. It has no affiliation whatsoever with NBN Co Ltd, and is a non-commercial enthusiast website with a goal to bring additional visibility to the nbn™ network based on publicly released data. Information on this website may be out of date and can change at any time. Please use the address checker at nbnco.com.au for the most up to date information.

With the main disclaimer out of the way, I hope you find this website useful.

Much of the node and pillar location data has been manually sourced and verified by contributors though using Google Street view and local knowledge.

Any suggestions, feedback or concerns please give me a shout at simmo1@gmail.com


Since the goal of this site is to bring additional visibility to the nbn™ network all data is available in either JSON or GeoJSON format whcih should be fairly easy to use and adapt.

The data dumps will be refreshed on a weekly basis so check back as more nodes and location data is updated.

By downloading the datasets you agree to comply with the Creative Common License 3.0 license agreement which can be found at CC 3.0 Summary and CC 3.0 License

Due to the large size of the GeoJSON data the files have been compressed with the XZ format, you will need a decent archive tool such as 7-Zip to uncompress them.

Description Data Type File Size Last Update
A list of LOCID's, Address, Coords, Tech type, Service and Distribution areas.
GeoJSON locations.geojson.xz 201 MB 3 Mar 2024
A list of Nodes, Node ID, Coords, service and distribution areas.
GeoJSON nodes.geojson.xz 68 KB 3 Mar 2024
Fibre Distribution Hubs
A small list of above ground FDH's that have been located.
GeoJSON fdhs.geojson.xz 2 KB 3 Mar 2024
Identified pillars and their locations
GeoJSON pillars.geojson.xz 27 KB 3 Mar 2024
Wireless Towers
A list of wireless tower locations.
GeoJSON wirelesstowers.geojson.xz 24 KB 3 Mar 2024
MyBroadband Regions
My Broadband / legacy pillar regions circa 2015 - Cleaned up the Geometry.
GeoJSON mybroadband.geojson.xz 31 MB 3 Mar 2024
Service Areas
A list of 'Service Areas' geometry defined in the SIP dataset with CSA, FSA, FSAM and Distribution area info.
GeoJSON serviceareas.geojson.xz 72 MB 3 Mar 2024
Distribution Areas
A list of 'Distribution Areas' and the area covered. (Geometry Incomplete)
GeoJSON distributionareas.geojson.xz 33 MB 3 Mar 2024
Fibre Service Area Modules (FSAM)
A list of 'Fibre Service Area Modules' and the area covered. (Geometry Incomplete)
GeoJSON fsams.geojson.xz 11 MB 3 Mar 2024
Fibre Service Areas (FSA)
A list of 'Fibre Service Areas' and the area covered. (Geometry Incomplete)
GeoJSON fsas.geojson.xz 10 MB 3 Mar 2024
Connectivity Serving Areas (CSA)
A list of 'Connectivity Serving Areas' and the area covered. (Geometry Incomplete)
GeoJSON csas.geojson.xz 2 KB 3 Mar 2024
Places of Interconnect
GeoJSON pois.geojson.xz 4 KB 3 Mar 2024


Technology Used

This website uses the following technologies:

Address Data

Incorporates or developed using G-NAF © Geoscape Australia licensed by the Commonwealth of Australia under the Open Geo-coded National Address File (G-NAF) End User Licence Agreement.

The address information was imported from the G-NAF data available at https://data.gov.au/dataset/ds-dga-19432f89-dc3a-4ef3-b943-5326ef1dbecc/details

I strongly reccommend utilising the pre-made G-NAF postgres database dumps available from gnaf-loader

Map Tiles

The primary map tiles in use are © OpenStreetMap

NBNMTM Website

This website is heavily inspired from the (now defunct) NBNMTM website originally located at http://nbnmtm.australiaeast.cloudapp.azure.com. Many thanks to its developers - there was much less data available at the time of its inception compared to now.

POI List

Incorporates use of the nbn™ POI list available at https://gist.github.com/dleonard0/27a707e149d061ed0a1d18009e485e77

Telstra nbn™ Rollout Schedule

Incorporates data from the Telstra Wholesale nbn™ rollout schedule https://www.telstrawholesale.com.au/nbn/nbn-rollout-schedule.html

Geoscience Australia National Telephone Exchanges Dataset

Incorporates the National Telephone Exchanges Dataset available in multiple formats at https://ecat.ga.gov.au/geonetwork/srv/eng/catalog.search#/metadata/74665 and released under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence

Cevik, E., Hill, R 2012. Telephone Exchanges. Geoscience Australia, Canberra.

Whirlpool Australian Exchange Guide v3.0

Incorporates some address data from the Whirlpool Australian Exchange Guide v3.0 available at https://whirlpool.net.au/wiki/australian_exchange_guide

nbn™ SIP Dataset

The Statutory Infrastructure Provider (SIP) regime (introduced 1 July 2020) is intended to ensure that all premises around Australia have access to either a superfast fixed-line, fixed wireless or satellite broadband connection.

'Statutory Infrastructure Provider (SIP) - NBN Co Limited - Dataset' was publicly released via ACMA in 2020 as required under Part 19 of the Telecommunications Act 1997.

This site heavily uses this dataset to map out the various FTTN distrbution areas.

The dataset available for download in various formats at https://data.gov.au/dataset/ds-dga-ed264f72-5fdf-4a54-8381-d35a10c7c85a/details

MyBroadband Dataset

The MyBroadband Survey dataset was developed by the Australian Department of Communications and Arts (ACMA) in 2014, originally published at the (now defunct) https://mybroadband.communications.gov.au/ under the Creative Common License 3.0. It was later published at https://data.gov.au/ under Creative Common License 3.0. In addition it was published on National Map also under Creative Common License 3.0.

This is a copy of the dataset originally on nbnmtm.australiaeast.cloudapp.azure.com.

The dataset is available for download at the below link under terms of CC 3.0. The data has been converted into GeoJSON format to ensure the original dataset remains intact

MyBroadband Dataset

This distribution complies with Creative Common License 3.0 Agreement.
By downloading this dataset you agree to comply with the license agreement which can be found below:

CC 3.0 Summary
CC 3.0 License